How to Remove Hydrogen Sulfide

Though not exactly very dangerous and life-threatening, there is no doubt that hydrogen sulfide in water and other liquids must be removed. It is often considered as a nuisance and when we look at the concentration of this substance in household water, it is should not be too alarming. However, it does spoil the taste of water quite a bit and this is what makes it unfit for drinking and another usage. Water that contains hydrogen sulfide is also referred to as sulfur water. It has a typical rotten egg smell and you can perhaps notice it when you are running hot water. This water has the potential of discoloring tea, coffee, and other beverages and it also could alter the appearance and the taste of cooked foods. We also look at other possible areas of damage and also try and find out how to remove Hydrogen Sulfide from the water.

Corroding Properties

 We need to understand the hydrogen sulfide has very notorious corroding properties and therefore it could cause damage to plumbing metals such as steel, iron, brass, and copper. It could also lead to corrosion to exposed metal parts as far as washing machines are concerned. It also has the potential of damaging other appliances that use water quite extensively. When corrosion of iron and steel in water takes place, we have something known as black water syndrome. This can damage and discolor copper, brass and other silverware utensils. It could also reduce the efficiency of water softeners. Hence, all these possibilities must be kept in mind so that you can find the right solution to the problem.

 Have Water Tested

 To determine the right treatment method, the first thing is to find out how much hydrogen sulfide is there in the water supply. We have to understand that hydrogen sulfide is a gaseous substance and it can get dissolved in water and also can escape from it quite easily. Therefore the concentration of this gaseous substance in water should be done using the right methods. The test should show the level of concentration of hydrogen sulfide. When sewage pollution is the cause of such contamination, the water must also be tested for bacteria and other harmful organisms.

 How to Treat It

  •  The treatment methods would depend on the levels of concentration and in very minor cases, the use of activated carbon filtration could solve the problem.
  • When the levels are slightly higher then you may have to go in for aeration and this again is an effective treatment method. However, when aeration is being done, the water must be protected from possible bacterial and germicidal contamination and the risk of freezing should also be taken care of.
  • If the levels of contamination are quite high you may have to use an iron removal filter and the use of manganese greensand could be a good solution. The use of chlorination is also another way by which the menace and nuisance of hydrogen sulfide can be avoided.

 Summing Up

 While there is no big danger associated with hydrogen sulfide removal, if the concentration is above normal, then it should be addressed as soon as possible using the best possible removal methods.


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